Churchyard Graves

Almondsbury Churchyard – Plan of the Churchyard

Almondsbury Graves – Record of the graves

Almondsbury Churchyard – Photographs of graves


To explore the graves in Almondsbury Churchyard we suggest that you start by looking at the Plan of the Churchyard – which is divided into areas A1, A2 etc and grave numbers 1, 2 etc.

As far as possible, for each grave a transcription of the inscription on the headstone is given in the document Almondsbury Graves using the same system e.g. A1 7 is Area A1 Grave Number 7.

The third link above ‘Almondsbury Churchyard – Photographs of graves’ lists photographs of all graves using the same references e.g. A1 G7 is Area A1 Grave Number 7.


Please note that Almondsbury Churchyard is the area immediately around the church.  Almondsbury Cemetery is a local authority cemetery run jointly by Almondsbury and Patchway Parish Councils.  Further information on Almondsbury Cemetery is available at