
Almondsbury Church depends on voluntary giving to exist and to fulfil its mission.

Please consider making a financial contribution to the church. All gifts are welcome, large or small.

One off gifts are easy to make by Bank Transfer to the church’s account. Account Name: Almondsbury PCC; Sort Code: 40-14-20; Account Number: 21074598

Regular gifts can be made by Standing Order to the church’s account. Account Name: Almondsbury PCC; Sort Code: 40-14-20; Account Number: 21074598 Standing Orders can be set directly with your bank online or you can download a Standing Order form by clicking here.

Gift Aid The value of these gifts can be increased by 25% through the Gift Aid scheme. If you pay tax please complete and return the Gift Aid form available by clicking here. Bill Westwood is our Gift Aid Secretary. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email him at

A legacy in your will is another way of giving. A recommended wording is: “I give to the Parochial Church Council of St Mary’s, Almondsbury the sum of £xxx free of all taxes for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the charity shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.” If you wish the gift to be used for a particular purpose, please include this instead of the phrase ‘for its general purposes’.

Finally, if you have any questions about giving or the church’s finances do not hesitate to contact our Treasurer at